Nr | Title | Added | Read |
The Impact of Floods on the Real Estate Market – Opinion in Forbes | 19.09.2024 | ||
WIBOR – another problem for banks? | 12.09.2024 | ||
Paweł Pucher in "Architecture & Business" on the Integrated Investment Plan | 28.08.2024 | ||
Easier Acquisition of Investment Land in Cities? | 24.07.2024 | ||
Is a family foundation suitable for everyone? | 23.07.2024 | ||
KKPW Partner on TV Biznes24 Discusses MRiT Proposals Aiming to Liberate Agricultural Land Trade in Cities | 23.07.2024 | ||
KKPW Finalizes Another Real Estate Transaction | 15.07.2024 | ||
Attorney Paweł Pucher at the Ministry of Development and Technology Conference | 04.07.2024 | ||
After many months the Whistleblower Protection Act has been passed | 01.07.2024 | ||
Further Changes to the Proposed Anti-Flipping Regulations | 13.06.2024 | ||
Paweł Pucher on TV Biznes24 Discusses Anti-Flipping Regulation Proposal and Other Real Estate Taxation Increases | 12.06.2024 | ||
Analysis of Anti-Flipping Regulation Proposal in Forbes | 07.06.2024 | ||
Conference of the SBDiM: "New Challenges in the Housing Market" | 19.04.2024 | ||
We know how to speed up shelter construction! | 12.04.2024 | ||
Paweł Pucher in the quarterly "Prawo Budowlane" on the advantages and disadvantages of the Integrated Investment Plan in comparison with the resolution on determining the location of a residential investment project adopted on the basis of the special housing law | 05.04.2024 | ||
About the legal conditions for the construction of shelters - Paweł Pucher on Linkedin | 20.03.2024 | ||
KKPW Partner in "Architecture & Business" about the Integrated Investment Plan and urban planning agreement | 01.03.2024 | ||
Pawel Pucher in "Rzeczpospolita" on the possibilities of using urban planning agreements and integrated investment plans | 16.02.2024 | ||
Paweł Pucher on lex developer, Integrated Investment Plan and urban planning agreement at the Polish Real Estate Law Congress | 05.02.2024 | ||
About urban planning standards on LinkedIn | 26.01.2024 | ||
KKPW and Horizone Studio have joined forces to support investors planning investments under the special housing act or using the Integrated Investment Plan | 22.01.2024 | ||
KKPW summarizes the intensive 2023 in the real estate practice area | 20.01.2024 | ||
Christmas greetings 2023! | 22.12.2023 | ||
Growing interest in Integrated Investment Plans in the PV sector | 20.12.2023 | ||
Another investment handled by KKPW with an occupancy permit | 07.12.2023 | ||
More Polish citizens thanks to KKPW | 07.11.2023 | ||
Planning and zoning training after the amendment | 27.10.2023 | ||
KKPW Partner becomes a DACH member | 30.07.2023 | ||
An interesting judgement in a „post-pandemic” case handled by KKPW lawyers | 28.07.2023 | ||
Another project in PV and ES with KKPW legal assistance | 28.06.2023 | ||
We advise our clients to easier carry out new obligations under the amended energy law | 19.06.2023 | ||
KKPW supports development of RES | 16.05.2023 | ||
Contracts written in simple and clear language | 09.05.2023 | ||
Polish Patent Office issues protective certificates for another trademarks of KKPW’s client | 30.04.2023 | ||
Construction of real estate investment in Warsaw for which KKPW provides legal services begins | 31.01.2023 | ||
Polish Patent Office issues protective certificates for trademarks of KKPW’s client | 30.01.2023 | ||
Fixing maximum prices for electricity | 16.12.2022 | ||
Training "Investment process - planning, zoning and development". | 21.11.2022 | ||
Training „Investment process" - part II | 18.11.2022 | ||
Success in case for compensation from the airport | 13.11.2022 | ||
KKPW effectively represents the Client in an appeal against the outcome of the public procurement proceedings | 30.10.2022 | ||
Doctoral thesis defence by Weronika Wątor-Krzyżanowska | 13.10.2022 | ||
KKPW effectively represents the Client in the PPO and the Court proceedings regarding public procurement proceedings | 31.08.2022 | ||
Another successful M&A supported by KKPW | 31.07.2022 | ||
KKPW effectively represents the Client before the PPO regarding public procurement proceedings. | 28.06.2022 | ||
Polish Patent Office issues another protective certificates for trademarks of KKPW’s client | 30.04.2022 | ||
Legal victory for compensation | 28.03.2022 | ||
Training - New "Development Law" | 26.03.2022 | ||
KKPW receives another confirmation of Polish citizenship for its clients | 20.02.2022 | ||
General contractor for the SOHO REIDENCE investment in Kraków selected with legal support provided by KKPW | 31.01.2022 | ||
KKPW reclaims forest properties for client | 31.12.2021 | ||
Another successful closing in the real estate market with the support of KKPW | 28.12.2021 | ||
New obligation to provide EV charging points | 10.12.2021 | ||
KKPW provides legal advisory on client's M&A transactions | 30.11.2021 | ||
Regulation of the legal status of power lines | 16.10.2021 | ||
KKPW supports another investment by Terra Casa Group / TC Forum | 28.09.2021 | ||
Aleksandra Kossowska joined KKPW as an associate attorney at law. | 17.09.2021 | ||
KKPW supports investment in EV charging stations | 30.06.2021 | ||
KKPW participates in optimizing business processes in the energy market | 16.03.2021 | ||
Commissioning of Schachermayer Poland's flagship investment in which KKPW provided legal assistance | 31.01.2021 | ||
KKPW supports the investment process of another real-estate development in Warsaw | 30.01.2021 | ||
Piastowska Residence in Kraków with occupancy permit | 27.01.2021 | ||
Closing of a major real estate transaction handled by KKPW | 25.01.2021 | ||
Patent Office issues protection certificates for another trademarks to KKPW client | 20.01.2021 | ||
KKPW reclaims Client's huge forest area | 26.10.2020 | ||
KKPW advises on M&A transaction | 30.06.2020 | ||
Tauron Group entrusts KKPW with analysis of impact of Covid-19 pandemic on concluded contracts | 10.04.2020 | ||
Statement regarding the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic threat | 17.03.2020 | ||
Amendment of the Civil Procedure Code | 07.11.2019 | ||
Split payment from November 2019 | 01.11.2019 | ||
Commercial real estate sales in Warsaw handled by KKPW | 30.06.2019 | ||
KKPW supports the process of financing a real estate transaction | 29.04.2019 | ||
KKPW provides legal assistance in another residential development by Terra Casa Group / TC Forum in Krakow | 21.04.2019 | ||
KKPW obtains multimillion payment for client in dispute with one of the public procurers over implementation of project contract | 31.01.2019 | ||
Commissioning of a development project in Warsaw with KKPW legal advisory | 28.06.2018 | ||
GDPR training and implementation | 10.04.2018 | ||
KKPW successfuly represents the Client in PPO proceedings | 29.10.2017 | ||
KKPW successfuly represents the Client in PPO proceedings | 30.04.2017 | ||
KKPW files precedent-setting lawsuit demanding declaration of invalidity of CHF credit agreement and return of undue benefit | 31.01.2017 | ||
Wishing you a beautiful holiday season and a New Year of peace and happiness. | 22.12.2016 | ||
We are proud to have become part of the project Allerhand Advocacy. Congratulations to our new scholars | 01.07.2016 | ||
KKPW is the member of IPH in Cracow | 05.02.2016 | ||
KKPW in 6th place in the Ranking of Law Firms (Malopolska Region) | 14.05.2015 | ||
prof. nadzw. dr hab. Konrad Kohutek powołany przez Prezesa UOKiK do Rady Doradczej | 07.05.2015 | ||
Pierwszy Polski Kongres Prawa Konkurencji z udziałem prof. Konrada Kohutka | 13.04.2015 | ||
Z okazji Świąt Wielkanocnych życzymy, aby nastrój tych Świąt przybranych wiosenną radością i beztroską utrwalił się w Waszych sercach na długi czas i pozostał z Wami także w poświątecznej codzienności. | 03.04.2015 | ||
Nowe publikacje - zapraszamy do lektury | 13.03.2015 | ||
CSR - działamy odpowiedzialnie! | 03.03.2015 | ||
Partnerzy KKPW prelegentami na II POLSKIM KONGRESIE PRAWA BUDOWLANEGO I NIERUCHOMOŚCI 2015 | 02.03.2015 | ||
Szkolenie prowadzone przez specjalistów KKPW | 01.01.2015 | ||
Artykuł prawnika KKPW w Dzienniku Rzeczpospolita | 15.12.2014 | ||
Przedawnienie roszczeń odszkodowawczych za szkody na osobie - artykuł prawnika KKPW w portalu | 02.12.2014 | ||
Złożenie zeznań przed konsulem jest dobrowolne - artykuł prawnika KKPW | 26.11.2014 | ||
Artykuł prawnika KKPW - Koszty procesu cywilnego | 14.11.2014 | ||
Partnerzy KKPW na II Spotkaniu Członków Prae Legal | 15.09.2014 | ||
Czy godziny nadliczbowe to relikt XX wieku? - artykuł mecenasa Radosława Skowrona | 02.03.2014 | ||
KKPW partnerem merytorycznym kolejnego szkolenia organizowanego przez CKL S.A. | 18.09.2013 | ||
Partner KKPW wystąpi na konferencji dotyczącej zrównoważonego budownictwa – Future4build | 16.09.2013 | ||
Wypowiedź Prawnika KKPW w Gazecie Prawnej | 10.09.2013 | ||
Partner KKPW na temat służebności w TVN CNBC – 23 września 2013 roku, godz. 19.00 | 05.09.2013 | ||
Aplikant adwokacki KKPW o wypowiadaniu umów o pracę | 02.09.2013 | ||
Partner KKPW wystąpi na konferencji organizowanej przez PLGBC | 02.09.2013 | ||
Prawnik KKPW w Pulsie Biznesu o statusie prokurenta w spółce handlowej | 29.08.2013 | ||
KKPW partnerem merytorycznym szkolenia organizowanego przez CKL S.A. | 25.08.2013 | ||
Training - New "Development Law" | 28.10.0202 |
Today, Forbes published an opinion by attorney Paweł Pucher on the impact of floods on the real estate market.
👉 We encourage you to read the insights and forecasts from this experienced specialist on the short- and long-term effects of floods on both the local and national real estate markets!
👉 The full text of the opinion is available on as well as on LinkedIn.
The topic of WIBOR is becoming increasingly heated among lawyers and concerned borrowers. It is becoming clear to many that “WIBOR borrowers” much like those with loans indexed to Swiss francs, do not actually know the true amount of their debt and are unable to calculate or even estimate it.
Most opinions suggest that, due to the process of determining WIBOR being embedded in the BMR Regulation, challenging loan agreements with variable interest rates based on this index is bound to fail. But is that really the case? Does an actual interbank market exist, which this index is supposed to measure? Are the banks, participating in the fixing process and declaring deposit interest rates, really conducting such transactions? And what if these declarations are made with the knowledge that no real transactions will take place? In such a scenario, could the infamous fixing process essentially be nothing more than setting a minimum loan price? Moreover, a price set by the largest market players…? What would the potential consequences be for “WIBOR borrowers” if the answer to this question were affirmative?
This topic was discussed in a conversation on BIZNES24. Firma, giełda, pieniądze. The interview features Kaczor Klimczyk Pucher Wypiór – Adwokaci (KKPW) partner attorney Adam Klimczyk, and is available here.
In the latest issue of the “Architektura&Biznes” monthly (09’24), an extensive interview with Paweł Pucher was published, in which he addresses various questions related to spatial planning and development, including sharing initial experiences with the application of regulations regarding integrated investment plans.
This publication is linked to attorney Paweł Pucher and the Kaczor Klimczyk Pucher Wypiór – Adwokaci (KKPW) team’s involvement in projects related to the topic of Integrated Investment Plans. Paweł Pucher not only provides advice in this area but also frequently speaks publicly on legal aspects of planning and spatial development, including integrated investment plans.
👉 Link to the free e-edition of this issue of “Architecture & Business” (09’24) in the comments.
Forbes published an interview with attorney Paweł Pucher, in which he commented on the Ministry of Development and Technology’s proposals to remove certain restrictions on the trade of agricultural properties within city areas.
On this occasion, attorney Pucher suggested changes in regulations that could contribute to increasing the supply of land for residential construction and enabling the implementation of protective structures.
The full interview is available on
Today, an article by attorney Mateusz Wyka, titled “Family Foundations as a Form of Asset Protection and Succession Management. Advantages and Disadvantages,” was published on
In the article, attorney Wyka examines the benefits and challenges associated with establishing family foundations, which have been operable under the new law since 2023. These foundations offer long-term asset protection and efficient succession planning, but they also involve significant costs and potential family conflicts.
We encourage you to read the full article on
Attorney Paweł Pucher gave an interview on TV Biznes24, where he responded to questions about the Ministry of Development and Technology’s proposals to lift restrictions on the trade of agricultural land within cities, as well as other planned changes significant to the real estate market.
The interview recording can be viewed here.
A team of lawyers from our firm, led by attorney Paweł Pucher, handled the acquisition of land for investment purposes in Kraków as part of comprehensive investment support. The successful closing, preceded by due diligence and the preparation of transactional documents and negotiations, marks the completion of the first stage of investment preparation.
This is another development project by the Terra Casa SA / TC Forum group, under the trade name Park Residence, managed by our law firm.
Attorney Paweł Pucher participated today in a conference organized by the Ministry of Development and Technology dedicated to spatial planning reform.
This event provided an excellent opportunity to gather information about current and upcoming regulatory actions in the area of spatial planning, as well as to engage in informal exchanges of experiences with practitioners from across Poland. This knowledge is invaluable, especially since it pertains to issues that both municipalities and investors are encountering for the first time.
The broadly understood issues of spatial development (general plans, integrated investment plans, and other related topics) constitute one of the key areas where our law firm provides support to investors and local governments. The team handling these matters is led by Paweł Pucher.
Information about this event is also available on LinkedIn.
Attorney Mateusz Wyka discusses in an article published in Forbes a Senate amendment to the Whistleblower Protection Act that removes labor law from the scope of the act.
Minister Agnieszka Dziemanowicz-Bąk criticized this amendment, arguing that it will strip protection from employees reporting labor law violations, which may discourage them from reporting irregularities. On the other hand, lawyers supporting the amendment argue that whistleblower protection in the context of labor law is already regulated by other provisions, and including labor law in the Whistleblower Protection Act could lead to reporting trivial violations that are insignificant to the public interest.
Attorney Wyka also believes that removing labor law from the Whistleblower Protection Act is justified because the current provisions of the labor code provide sufficient protection for employees reporting violations.
The full article can be read on the Forbes website.
On the scheduled date (June 12, 2024), the Sejm did not proceed with the first reading of the proposed amendments to the Civil Law Transactions Tax (PCC) Act, commonly referred to as the anti-flipping law (Sejm paper no. 419). Due to widespread criticism of the proposed solutions, the proponents prepared a self-amendment (Sejm paper no. 419-A), which led to this item being removed from the Sejm’s agenda. After the necessary reviews and consultations, the project will likely return to the Sejm floor in a revised form.
The proposed corrections, while attempting to address some of the criticisms of the original project, still do not inspire confidence among real estate market experts.
Attorney Paweł Pucher gave an interview on TV Biznes24, where he addressed questions regarding the proposed amendments to the Civil Law Transactions Tax (PCC) Act, commonly referred to as the anti-flipping law.
The interview also covered the Ministry of Finance’s proposal to increase the flat-rate taxation on rental income, a topic of keen interest to all investors.
The interview recording can be viewed here.
Forbes published an interview with attorney Paweł Pucher, in which he provided an analysis and evaluation of the proposed amendments to the Civil Law Transactions Tax (PCC) Act submitted to the Sejm. This proposal, put forward by the parliamentary Left Club, envisions increased PCC rates for the sale agreements of residential properties made shortly after their purchase, as well as escalating PCC rates based on the number of transactions. The interview includes insights into the potential impacts of such regulations on the real estate market.
The full interview is available on
At the 9th Conference of the Association of House and Apartment Builders (SBDiM), held at the Kraków branch of the National Bank of Poland, attorney Paweł Pucher participated.
As always, this event provided an opportunity not only to engage in interesting discussion panels but also to familiarize oneself with the latest statistical data on the real estate market and to meet with fellow specialists.
More information about the conference can be found on the SBDiM website.
We know how to speed up shelter construction!
Today on the in the “Law in Business / Construction” section was published an opinion by KKPW partner Pawel Pucher on the possibility of using the provisions of the Law on Planning and Development and also the special housing law to build shelters. Attorney Pucher not only assessed the currently pending draft amendments to the regulations on shelter construction and described the current possibilities of using integrated investment plans (IIPs) for their construction, but also proposed changes to the regulations. These changes could significantly increase the possibility of building shelters using existing as well as new planning tools, and thus contribute to the security of citizens.
The latest issue of the quarterly “Prawo Budowlane” (no. 20) features an article by attorney Pawel Pucher, “Will the IIP prove to be a better solution than the resolution on determining the location of a residential development project adopted under the special housing law?”.
This is another publication in which attorney Pawel Pucher discusses selected aspects of the implementation of investments, especially development investments. This time, Pawel Pucher discusses the similarities and differences between the Integrated Investment Plan (IIP) adopted under the new regulations on planning and spatial development and the resolution on determining the location of a residential development project undertaken on the basis of the special housing law (popularly known as lex deweloper) – which are important tools in preparing an investment. In the text, attorney Paweł Pucher points out, among other things, selected problems in the application of the IIP procedure and possible measures for its improvment.
Information about this publication is availaible here.
We invite you to read it!
KKPW partner attorney Pawel Pucher published an interesting commentary on Linkedin about the current legal situation regarding the construction of shelters in Poland.
The commentary was not lacking in historical references.
We invite you to read it!
The latest Architektura&Biznes magazine (03’24) features an interview with Paweł Pucher, in which he answers interesting questions posed by the editors:
Are the IIP and the urban planning agreements significant changes in terms of the quality of emerging residential architecture?
Is the IIP a tool that will replace the so called lex developer?
In the same edition of Architektura&Biznes you can read a statment from Bartlomiej Kisielewski from Horizone Studio answering the question:
Are the IIP and the urban planning agreements significant changes in terms of the quality of emerging residential architecture?
The above publications are related to the significant involvement of attorney Paweł Pucher and the team of Kaczor Klimczyk Pucher Wypiór – Adwokaci (KKPW), as well as Bartłomiej Kisielwski and Horizone Studio in projects related to Integrated Investment Plans.
🔷 It is worth recalling that since the beginning of this year, Kaczor Klimczyk Pucher Wypiór – Adwokaci (KKPW) together with the Horizone Studio architectural office have been offering investors a comprehensive service consisting in full support of the process of preparing investments of various types, including residential, based on a new legal solution – the Integrated Investment Plan (IIP) as well as the already known resolution on determining the location of a residential investment project (ULIM) under the special housing law (so called lex developer).
🔷 The services of KKPW and Horizone Studio include, among others, consulting and legal and functional-spatial analyses, covering the main and supplementary investment, directed at determining the possibility and scenario of obtaining a IIP or ULIM, preparation of all formal documents, especially the application for a ULIM or the application for a IIP with an IIP draft, PREPARATION OF THE INTEGRATED INVESTMENT PLAN DRAFT and assistance in negotiations with municipalities, including the content of the urban planning agreement, conducting the consultation process, as well as representation in formal proceedings.
🔷 We previously reported on this initiative:
Architektura&Biznes is available both printed or on-line for registered users via
“Rzeczpospolita” (issue of 16.02.2024) published an article by Pawel Pucher on the issue of the transfer of residential units to a municipality on the basis of a town planning agreement concluded as part of the procedure for the adoption of the Integrated Investment Plan. This is an issue of great interest to local authorities and residents, as well as developers.
Attorney Paweł Pucher spoke Today at the Polish Real Estate Law Congress. During the event, Pawel Pucher discussed the most relevant issues concerning the Integrated Investment Plan against the background of a similar legal solution, which is a resolution to determine the location of a residential development project adopted under the special Housing Law (so-called lex developer).
Today on LinkedIn, attorney Pawel Pucher (, commenting on a radio interview of one of KKPW’s clients on urban planning standards, presented legal options for their implementation, the current legal status of local urban planning standards and municipal urban planning standards.
The entire text of attorney Pucher’s commentary is available here.
Kaczor Klimczyk Pucher Wypiór – Adwokaci (KKPW) and Horizone Studio have entered into a cooperation agreement to provide investors with comprehensive services in the areas of legal and design services, related to the implementation of investments through the tools provided by the latest major amendment to the Law on Planning and Spatial Development (Integrated Investment Plans – IIP), as well as within the framework of the Law on Facilitation of Preparation and Implementation of Housing Investments and Associated Investments of 2018 – colloquially known as lex developer (determination of the location of housing investments and associated investments – DLHI).
Conducting investments on the basis of the so-called lex developer has not always met with the favor of local authorities. Recent years have shown that there are cities that have been able to make good use of this tool. At the same time, in others – investments were not allowed to be carried out in this mode at all. The last major amendment to the Law on Spatial Planning and Development of September 2023, introducing IIP’s, which will be able to apply not only to residential investments but also, for example, services or manufacturing, opens up new opportunities. Currently – especially in places where the special housing law has not been applied, and in time – throughout the country, as eventually IIP will completely replace DLHI.
The cooperation between KKPW and Horizone Studio opens up new opportunities for investors. This will be helped by both companies’ previous experience with procedures based on the so-called lex developer. The combination of the knowledge and experience of a law firm specializing in real estate industry issues and a renowned architectural firm is expected to assist developers in going through the process of investment planning, preparation of documents needed to conduct procedures, negotiation with municipalities of agreements on the implementation of an accompanying investment or urban planning agreements, and final design, adapted to the specifics of the site and the requirements set by individual municipalities. As part of their comprehensive service, KKPW and Horizone offer consultancy, preparation of legal analyses, functional and spatial analyses taking into account complementary investments, preparation of formal documents, especially the DLHI application or IIP application with IIP design, and assistance in negotiations with municipalities.
The proposal of KKPW and Horizone Studio is a new offer aimed at real estate investors. As of today, developers planning investment activities can take advantage of combined comprehensive legal and project services, both within the framework of the already proven procedures based on the special housing law, as well as those implemented on the basis of the new solution, which is the Integrated Investment Plan.
Today attorney Agata Kaczor and attorney Pawel Pucher summarized the achievements of our team in the real estate practice area, recalling our greatest successes and most interesting achievements in serving clients in the real estate and construction investment sector, including developers.
The entire summary is available on our LinkedIn profile
Today, attorney Paweł Pucher posted an article on LinkedIn explaining the reasons behind the interest in the new planning tool, the Integrated Investment Plan, among those planning PV investments.
The entire text is available at:
An occupancy permit was just issued for the SOHO Residence investment in Cracow developed by our client – TERRA CASA SA! Our law firm provided comprehensive legal services for this project.
The project was managed by attorney Paweł Pucher, partner in KKPW
More on
Today we were served with another new decision of the Mazovian Voivode confirming Polish citizenship of our client.
This is another such decision obtained in the proceedings conducted by us. Recently we have been most often asked for help in obtaining Polish citizenship by citizens of the USA, Great Britain and Israel, although there are other nations citizens who ask about our legal services in this matter.
Attorney Paweł Pucher led a training today on the latest major amendment to the planning and zoning regulations. The training was conducted in a hybrid version – in our Krakow office and online. The training was also attended by many representatives of development and design companies. Thank you all for your participation and discussion!
The scope of the training included, among other things, discussion of the objectives and scope of the regulations and new definitions, new principles of public participation in planning processes, introduction of a new planning tool – the general plan, which will replace the study of conditions and directions for development of municipalities, changes in planning procedures, including a simplified procedure, changes in the rules for issuing and validity of decisions on conditions for development and land use, a new form of local plan – the Integrated Investment Plan, including the procedure for its preparation and implementation, including, inter alia, conclusion of an urban planning agreement, conclusion of an urban development plan, conclusion of an urban planning agreement, conclusion of an urban development plan, conclusion of an urban planning agreement. The scale of the amendment is so large that it is difficult to assess the validity of the decision on land development conditions and the validity of the decision on land development conditions.
The scale of the amendments is so large that on the first day we were only able to discuss some of the most significant changes. As expected, the topic of the Integrated Investment Plan generated a particularly great deal of interest.
We would like to invite you to the next training session, during which we will continue to discuss these changes, which are so important from the point of view of designers and investors, including developers.
The head of KKPW’s German Desk, attorney Paweł Pucher, has become a member of the European Bar Association DACH (Europäische Anwaltsvereinigung DACH), which brings together German-speaking lawyers from across Europe.
Attorney Paweł Pucher has been providing legal support to German-speaking entrepreneurs, especially from Germany and Austria, for more than 20 years.
The District Court in Warsaw issues a favorable verdict for our client – a landlord of business space in the center of Warsaw – dismissing the tenant’s demand for a reduction in rents invoking the effects of the Covid‑19 pandemic.
Our team of lawyers supported the client – a Polish company from the energy industry in just-completed successful negotiations with a financial investor for cooperation in the development of a network of photovoltaic farms and energy storages.
On June 16, 2023, the Polish Parliament passed another amendment to the Energy Law. This time it is a comprehensive amendment, as it implements 4 directives of the European Parliament and the Council on the common market for gas and electricity, geological storage of CO2, and promoting the use of energy from RES. This means not only a number of new obligations for energy companies but creates conditions for accelerating the green energy transition.
KKPW’s lawyers are advising clients operating in the electricity sector as they prepare to implement the new solutions resulting from the amendment.
Following the recent amendment to the Law on Renewable Energy Sources, KKPW lawyers are advising energy companies on the development of their offerings for virtual and collective prosumers, among others. These are new areas that allow the use of electricity from photovoltaics on a remote property from the one on which the photovoltaic installation is located, and for residents of multi-apartment buildings from installations placed on those buildings.
Increasingly, companies, particularly those operating in the mass market, are changing the way they communicate with their customers and clients, aiming to simplify their comunication while using simple and concise language. EU legislation, especially in the case of legal standards mandating businesses to meet certain information obligations to consumers, uses the concept of “simple and clear language.” The trend described in the introduction will grow in popularity in the coming years.
For years, KKPW’s team of lawyers has been advising mass-market electricity seller on adapting their communications and contracts with customers to the postulate of simple language while preserving the legal significance of this content.
In legal proceedings in which KKPW represented Polski Holding Hotelowy, the Polish Patent Office issued further protective certificates for word-graphic trademarks.
Trademark protection rights is one of the important areas of KKPW’s activities.
The KKPW team, led by attorney Paweł Pucher, supported the Terra Casa real estate development group in the successful process of selecting a general contractor and negotiating an agreement for the implementation of another prestigious real estate investment, ART DECO MARYMONT.
This is another phase of legal support for this project by our Law Firm.
In legal proceedings in which KKPW represented Polski Holding Hotelowy, the Polish Patent Office issued further protective certificates for word-graphic trademarks.
Trademark protection rights is one of the important areas of KKPW’s activities.
An amendment to the Law on Emergency Measures to Curb Electricity Prices and Support Certain Consumers in 2023 expands the circle of energy consumers entitled to be billed at the maximum price to include those who purchase electricity to provide electricity to tenants. KKPW lawyers are currently advising their clients on whether and to what extent they can take advantage of the statutory solutions for securing the supply of cheaper electricity and gas.
Today in our Krakow office a training course was held on the investment process, covering mainly issues of planning and zoning.
In addition to KKPW lawyers, the training was also attended by our clients from development companies, including PHN SA, Precapital Group and TC Forum Group.
We are looking forward to the next trainings!
Today, another training on the broadly understood investment process took place in our Krakow office. It was a continuation of the previous training from November last year. This time, we focused on issues of construction law, mainly on the latest changes.
In addition to KKPW lawyers, our clients from development companies, including PHN SA, Precapital Group, and TC Forum Group, also participated in the training.
We invite you to further trainings!
Despite the change in the Supreme Court’s ruling line to one unfavorable to airport neighbors, KKPW’s lawyers managed to win compensation for a client residing in the restricted use area established for the Krakow-Balice airport. Cases of this nature are handled by attorney Mateusz Wyka and attorney Karolina Jarema.
Public Procurement Office entirely upheld the appeal prepared by KKPW lawyers allowing our Client to continue competing for a significant public contract.
We are extremely pleased to announce that trainee attorney-at-law Weronika Wątor-Krzyżanowska has obtained a doctoral degree in social sciences in the discipline of legal sciences by defending her doctoral dissertation entitled “Unilateral settlements and declarations in the Strasbourg system of human rights protection after the entry into force of Protocol 14 with particular reference to Poland” on 26 September 2022. The dissertation was written under the supervision of Dr Michał Kowalski, Prof. UJ.
KKPW represented the Client in the PPO proceedings and then the District Court, in which the decisions were entirely favorable to the Client and allowed him to conclude a public contract with the GDDKiA.
Our lawyers advised on the acquisition of a group of companies in the automotive industry – (auto glass and claims settlement industry).
KKPW represented the Client in PPO proceedings, in which a decision was made entirely favorable to the Client and allowing the Client to conclude a public procurement contract with the GDDKiA.
In legal proceedings in which KKPW represented Polski Holding Hotelowy, the Polish Patent Office issued another protective certificates for word-graphic trademarks.
Trademark protection rights is one of the important areas of KKPW’s activities.
The Law Firm’s client – a company in the energy industry – obtains a final judgment awarding the amount of compensation from the company liable for the criminal action of a member of its management board. The value of the adjudicated claim is nearly PLN 40 million. The case was handled by attorney Adam Klimczyk and attorney Mateusz Wyka.
A training session on the new law on the protection of the rights of purchasers of residential units and single-family houses and on the developer’s guarantee fund (the so-called Developer’s Law) was held today in our Krakow office.
In addition to lawyers from KKPW, the training was attended by our clients from real estate development companies, including PHN SA, Precapita Group, TC Forum Group.
We would like to invite you to future trainings!
The Polish passport seems increasingly attractive. Clients represented by KKPW lawyers (citizens of UK and USA) have obtained Polish citizenship. We congratulate the new compatriots!
Once again, we comprehensively supported our client in the process of selecting a general contractor, including the preparation and negotiation of a general contract. This time our support concerned the realization of the second stage of the SOHO RESIDENCE investment in Kraków.
This is yet another case in which our law firm’s team, led by attorney Magdalena Tynkowska, reclaims for clients the ownership of forest properties located in the Gorce Mountains which were seized by the State Treasury under the decrees of the 1940s issued by the communist government.
KKPW successfully completes the sale of two guesthouses in Kościelisko, combined with a payment security and court settlement and a series of other settlements resulting from the division of the spouses’ joint property division of the inheritance.
The forthcoming amendment to the Law on Electromobility and Alternative Fuels introduces new obligations for developers and housing communities to regulate parking spaces with electric car chargers at current and newly built facilities.
The amendment also introduces obligations for managers and public parking lots, who will have to adjust these parking lots in terms of the minimum number of charging points by 2025.
Also imposed on local government units are obligations related to the vehicles used by them or companies carrying out their tasks.
KKPW’s lawyers provide advice on the above issues, also drawing on years of experience in real estate law.
Our law firm comprehensively advised an investor on the joint acquisition (together with an international venture capital fund) of a controlling stake in a fintech start-up.
KKPW lawyers have for years represented their clients in court and administrative proceedings concerning the regulation of the legal status of real estate on which power companies’ transmission facilities are sited.
Extensive experience in this subject has resulted in the conclusion of a contract with one of the largest Distribution System Operators to handle more than 600 proceedings for, among other things, payment of remuneration for non-contractual use of real estate, establishment of a transmission easement and the acquisition of a transmission easement.
A team of KKPW lawyers advised on the acquisition of land and the conclusion of an investment agreement, and prepared all the documentation necessary for the realization of the Terra Casa / TC Forum group’s next development investment in Kraków (including design, investment management, general contracting, reservation and development agreements).
We would like to inform that Aleksandra Kossowska, attorney at law, has begun a new stage of cooperation with KKPW as an associate attorney.
We are pleased to have recruited a highly qualified attorney at law with extensive experience in real estate and administrative proceedings. We wish Ms. Kossowska good luck in her new role!
As part of our ongoing legal assistance service to BP Europa SE, KKPW lawyers are advising this client on issues relating to the green transition, electromobility and related legal issues, such as those related to publicly available electric vehicle charging stations.
The firm’s lawyers are involved in a project conducted by one of our major clients in the energy industry – a project to optimize customer service processes in the mass market. As part of this project, new templates for documents used in common circulation are being created.
The investment of our client – Schachermayer Polska sp. o.o., which we comprehensively handled at all stages already with an occupancy permit. Congratulations on the magnificent new headquarters!
A team of KKPW lawyers comprehensively handled the process of preparing another investment of the Terra Casa SA development group – TC Forum in Warsaw ART DECO MARYMONT, leading, among other things, to the conclusion of an investment agreement.
The PIASTOWSKA RESIDENCE investment, comprehensively handled by our law firm’s team of lawyers led by attorney Paweł Pucher, obtains an occupancy permit. Congratulations!
A team of KKPW lawyers led by attorney Pawel Pucher comprehensively handled the transaction for the acquisition of land and construction of the new headquarters of Schachermayer Polska sp. z o.o.
After KKPW’s due diligence, Schachermayer Polska sp. z o.o. acquired the land and the construction of the investment was entrusted to PPHU Promerol SA and SBP sp. z o.o. The investment was supervised by another of our clients, the renowned design studio – Horizone Studio .
KKPW negotiated and prepared not only the sales contract and the investment agreement, but also the entire loan agreements with all the accompanying documentation for the purpose of financing the investment by the bank.
Schachermayer Polska sp. z o.o. is a Polish subsidiary of the international SCHACHERMAYER Group with headquarters in Linz, Austria, so the transaction was handled partly in German.
In legal proceedings in which KKPW represented Polski Holding Hotelowy, the Polish Patent Office issued further protective certificates for word-graphic trademarks.
Trademark protection rights is one of the important areas of KKPW’s activities.
After a multi-year court process, a team of KKPW lawyers led by attorney Magdalena Tynkowska has led to the recovery from the State Treasury for the Clients of the ownership of more than 1162 hectares of forest property, illegally taken over after World War II, of which the State Treasury additionally obtained a declaration of entanglement in the 1990s. The clients have already been successfully registered in the land registers.
Our law firm participated in the closing of the sale transaction of a stake in Murapol S.A. in connection with the acquisition of a 98.04% stake in Murapol S.A. by a fund managed by Real Estate Group Ares Management Corporation and Griffin Real Estate.
Our lawyers advised one of the major shareholders.
Our law firm has been invited by companies in the TAURON energy group to study and assess the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the execution of concluded contracts.
Dear Sir or Madam,
In the face of an epidemic threat, out of concern for safety of our employees and Clients, KKPW Law Firm implemented a remote system of work from 16th march 2020 until further notice which means that:
We would like to insure that we implemented necessary changes in organization of our work thanks to which we provide our Clients legal aid in appropriate standard and scope and we would like to encourage all our Clients to use remote forms of contact with our lawyers.
We kindly apologize for any inconveniences and we count on Your understanding.
KKPW Partners
November 2019 was the time of the biggest reform of the Civil Procedure Code in many years. Although some of the changes came into force earlier, it was on 7 November that most of the amended regulations finally came into force. The most important objective of the introduced reforms is to improve civil procedure by shortening the duration of court proceedings. The main changes concern the principles of service of pleadings – the so-called fiction of service has been abandoned; jurisdiction has been determined; decisions have been issued – the rule is that they should be issued in secret. Instruments used to accelerate civil proceedings are also the so-called preparatory proceedings, during which judges should persuade the parties to conclude a settlement, as well as a simplified procedure for dismissing plaintiffs who are obviously unfounded and those who do not contain a specific demand.
Continuing the fight against value added tax fraud and evasion, on 1 November 2019 the legislator introduced into the Polish tax system an obligation to apply the “split payment ” in designated economic areas, which until now was a voluntary choice of the taxpayer. The essence of the split payment mechanism is to split the payment for the goods or services due resulting from the VAT invoice received from the customer through the payment of VAT to a special VAT account set up for this purpose by a bank.
Not all transactions are covered by the obligatory mechanism of split payment, but only those related to goods and services, which have been enumerated in Appendix No. 15 to the VAT Act, including construction services. If the transaction is made by VAT taxpayers (entrepreneurs), its value exceeds PLN 15,000, and one of the items on the VAT invoice concerns sensitive goods or services, the entities participating in the transaction are obliged to apply the split payment mechanism. In such a case, the seller is obliged to identify the transaction and place the annotation “split payment” on the VAT invoice and the buyer is obliged to make the split payment according to the instructions provided by the bank.
Violation of the newly introduced provisions is subject to a penalty of an additional tax liability equal to 30% of the VAT value resulting from such an invoice (only in respect of items covered by the split payment), exclusion of the possibility to include a given expense as a tax deductible cost and penal and fiscal liability (fine up to 720 daily rates).
A team of KKPW lawyers supported the client in the sale of commercial land in Warsaw. The volume of the transaction was approximately PLN 200 million.
A team of KKPW lawyers led by attorney Magdalena Tynkowska and attorney Pawel Pucher performed due diligence on the property and supported the investor group BGI and Bank Ochrony Środowiska in the negotiations and preparation of all documentation regarding the financing of the hotel investment in Kraków.
A team of KKPW lawyers performed the DD of the property, advised on the acquisition of land and the conclusion of the investment agreement, and prepared all the documentation necessary for the realization of the Terra Casa / TC Forum group’s next real estate development project in Krakow from the name PIASTOWSKA RESIDENCE (including design agreements, investment management, general contracting, reservation and development agreements).
KKPW successfully represented the Client (a renowned design office) in a long-standing and complicated court dispute regarding the withdrawal rights against one of the public procurers. In the end, the courts of both instances (the District Court and the Court of Appeals in Krakow) almost entirely recognized the Client’s claim as legitimate, and the opposing party’s cassation complaint was subsequently dismissed by the Supreme Court.
KKPW’s team of lawyers performed the DD of the property, advised on the acquisition of land and the conclusion of the investment agreement, and prepared all the documentation necessary for the realization of the Terra Casa / TC Forum group’s next development project in Warsaw, ART DECO WOLA (including design, investment management, general contracting, reservation and development agreements).
In connection with the upcoming entry into force of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (OJ. U. EU. L. of 2016 No. 119, p. 1, as amended), commonly referred to as “GDPR”, KKPW’s lawyers provide training and implement at clients operating in very different industries , legal solutions to ensure compliance of personal data processing with GDPR, as well as provide the services of a Data Protection Officer. (For example, at our client Ortopedicum sp. z o.o.).
KKPW represented the Client in PPO proceedings, in which a ruling was made favorable to the Client and allowing the Client to conclude a public contract with the GDDKiA.
KKPW represented the Client in PPO proceedings, in which a ruling was made favorable to the Client and allowing the Client to conclude a public contract with PKP PLK S.A.
A team of our lawyers has drafted and filed a lawsuit on behalf of a borrower against Bank Millenium SA to declare the loan agreement invalid and order the return of undue payment. This is one of the first lawsuits of its kind. We hope that lawsuits structured in this way will become a standard in so-called “swiss frank” cases.
So far, the “swiss frank borrowers” have claimed banks only for the return of so-called unfair spreads.
We are pleased to inform that our firm has become a member of The Cracow Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
The Cracow Chamber of Commerce and Industry over decades implementing strategies that are building a strong local government and providing comprehensive assistance to entrepreneurs in developing their business. It is one of the oldest organizations in Poland – operates since 1850.
More informations:
We are pleased to inform you that KKPW Law Office took 6th place in the Malopolska Region in Ranking of Law Firms 2015.,1200637-Ranking-kancelarii-prawniczych-2015–najwieksze-kancelarie-w-regionach.html
Miło nam poinformować, iż prof. nadzw. dr hab. Konrad Kohutek (of council KKPW) został powołany przez Prezesa UOKiK do Rady Doradczej UOKiK.
Zadaniem przedmiotowego organu jest doradzanie w sprawach z zakresu ochrony konkurencji i konsumentów, a w szczególności opiniowanie podstawowych aktów prawnych z zakresu ochrony konkurencji i konsumentów, projektów rządowych dokumentów strategicznych oraz wytycznych dotyczących stosowania przepisów w ww. zakresie, rekomendowanie zmian we wskazanych wyżej aktach i dokumentach oraz inicjowanie i organizowanie współpracy Prezesa UOKiK z ekspertami zewnętrznymi.
Do Rady powoływani są znawcy problemów ochrony konkurencji i konsumentów, przedstawiciele nauki i praktyki, prawnicy i ekonomiści.
W dniach 13-15 kwietnia 2015 roku w Warszawie odbędzie się Pierwszy Polski Kongres Prawa Konkurencji, w ramach którego prof. Konrad Kohutek – of council KKPW – wygłosi prelekcje nt. Antykonkurencyjnego celu lub skutku w kontekście porozumień wertykalnych: aspekty ekonomiczno-prawne. Serdecznie zapraszamy. Szczegóły dotyczące wydarzenia:
Z okazji Świąt Wielkanocnych życzymy,
aby nastrój tych Świąt
przybranych wiosenną radością i beztroską
utrwalił się w Waszych sercach na długi czas
i pozostał z Wami także w poświątecznej codzienności.
Nasz zbiór wzbogacił się o nowe publikacje prof. dr hab. Konrada Kohutka, który od wielu lat współpracuje z naszą Kancelarią. Artykuł “Rynki wyszukiwarek internetowych a zarzut nadużycia pozycji dominującej (na tle unijnej sprawy przeciwko Google)” oraz glosa do wyroku Sądu z 12.06.2014 r. w sprawie T-286/09, Intel Corp. przeciwko Komisji – “Zachowanie formalnego podejścia do oceny rabatów stosowanych dominantów oraz deprecjacja testu równie efektywnego konkurenta” dostępne są w dziale publikacji. Zapraszamy do lektury.
Kancelaria KKPW została partnerem CSR Festival Cracow organizowanym przez Koło Naukowe CSR Sztuka Równowagi oraz Koło Naukowe Controllingu i Finansów studentów Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie.
Festiwal jest okazją do dyskusji na temat możliwości wprowadzania działań CSR w małych przedsiębiorstwach.
Przedstawiciele naszej Kancelarii wezmą udział zarówno w samym festiwalu, który odbędzie się w dniach 23-24 marca 2015 roku, jak i w wydarzeniu towarzyszącym – Debacie Oksfordzkiej – Mały też może być odpowiedzialny!, która odbędzie się w dniu 5 marca o godz. 17.00 na terenie Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie.
Więcej informacji:
Miło nam poinformować, iż mecenas Agata Kaczor oraz mecenas Rafał Wypiór – partnerzy Kancelarii KKPW – znaleźli się w gronie prelegentów II Polskiego Kongresu Prawa Budowlanego i Nieruchomości 2015, organizowanym corocznie przez Instytut Allerhand’a.
Kongres odbędzie się w dniu 24 marca 2015 roku w Warszawie (Hotel Polonia Palace).
Serdecznie zapraszamy.
Więcej informacji:
Realizacja inwestycji budowlanych w energetyce to temat kolejnego szkolenia prowadzonego przez partnera naszej Kancelarii mecenasa Radosława Skowrona. Szkolenie odbędzie się w dniu 15 stycznia 2015 roku we Wrocławiu.
Więcej informacji:,cntnt01,detail,0&cntnt01articleid=99&cntnt01origid=18&cntnt01detailtemplate=szkolenia-otwarte&cntnt01returnid=44
W wydaniu Dziennika Rzeczpospolita z dnia 15 grudnia 2014 roku ukazał się artykuł aplikanta adwokackiego Rafała Woźniackiego z krakowskiego oddziału naszej Kancelarii na temat obowiązków wspólnot mieszkaniowych dotyczących odśnieżania chodników i dachów.
Miło nam poinformować, iż w dniu 2 grudnia 2014 roku na portalu ukazał się artykuł aplikanta adwokackiego Mateusza Krywulta na temat przedawnienia roszczeń odszkodowawczych za szkody na osobie. P
W serwisie ukazał się artykuł aplikanta adwokackiego Łukasza Gizy dotyczący możliwości złożenia zeznań korzystając z tzw. pomocy prawnej, którą krajowym sądom i prokuraturom winne okazać wszelkie polskie przedstawicielstwa na świecie. Pełna treść artykułu znajduje się pod adresem:,Zlozenie-zeznan-przed-konsulem-jest-dobrowolne,1,92,1.html oraz z dziale Publikacji.
W dniu 14 listopada 2014 roku w serwisie ukazał się artykuł aplikanta adwokackiego Tomasza Gawareckiego na temat wysokości oraz sposobu uiszczania kosztów procesu cywilnego. Pełną treść artykułu jest dostępna pod adresem:,Koszty-procesu-cywilnego-kiedy-i-w-jakiej-wysokosci,1,92,1.html oraz w dziale Publikacji naszej strony internetowej.
Partnerzy KKPW – adwokaci Paweł Pucher oraz Radosław Skowron wzięli udział w II Spotkaniu Członków Prae Lagal, które odbyło się w Katarze (Doha) w dniach 14-15 września 2014 roku.
Więcej informacji:
Na portalu ukazał się artykuł mecenasa Radosława Skowrona poruszający zagadnienie czasu pracy pracowników na współczesnym rynku. Pełną treść artykułu znajdziecie Państwo na stronie oraz w naszym dziale Publikacji.
KKPW już po raz drugi zostało partnerem merytorycznym szkolenia organizowanego przez CKL S.A. Szkolenie pt. „Umowy najmu – wybrane zagadnienia praktyczne” zostanie poprowadzone przez Mecenasa Radosława Skowrona w dniu 24 października 2013 roku w Katowicach. Szczegółowe informacje na temat szkolenia dostępne są pod adresem:
Mecenas Paweł Pucher – Partner KKPW – wystąpi podczas Konferencji Future4build, która odbędzie się w dniach 6-7 listopada 2013 roku w Warszawie. W Konferencji udział weźmie ponad 400 delegatów związanych z branżą budowlaną. Szczegółowe informacje na temat konferencji można uzyskać pod adresem:
Dziennik Gazeta Prawna opublikowała wypowiedź prawnika KKPW – Konrada Szybalskiego – dotyczącą tzw. “szantażu klauzulami”. Pełna treść artykułu dostępna jest w wersji papierowej Dziennika (nr 184) oraz w dziale publikacji na naszej stronie internetowej.
Mecenas Grzegorz Zawada – partner z warszawskiego biura KKPW – został zaproszony do TVN CNBC, gdzie wypowie się na najnowszej uchwały Sądu Najwyższego dotyczącej posiadaczy służebności. Zapraszamy do oglądania wywiadu z mecenasem Grzegorzem Zawadą w dniu 23 września 2013 roku o godz. 19.00 link:,357155.html
Andrzej Olaś – aplikant adwokacki KKPW – opublikował na łamach portalu artykuł na temat możliwości wypowiadania umów o pracę. Treść artykułu dostępna jest pod adresem:,Wypowiedzenie-umowy-o-prace-a-zwolnienie-natychmiastowe,1,34,3.html oraz w dziale publikacji.
Mecenas Grzegorz Zawada – Partner KKPW – wystąpi w dniu 17 września 2013 roku na konferencji organizowanej przez PLGBC (Polskie Stowarzyszenie Budownictwa Ekologicznego), która towarzyszy Światowemu Tygodniowi Budownictwa Zrównoważonego. Konferencja odbędzie się w Warszawie w Kinie Praha. Wszelkie niezbędne informację można uzyskać pod adresem:
Natalia Ogrodniczak, prawnik KKPW, opublikowała w dzienniku „Puls Biznesu” komentarz dotyczący statusu prokurenta w spółce handlowej. Pełna treść artykułu dostępna jest w wersji papierowej dziennika (nr 163) oraz w dziale publikacji na naszej stronie internetowej.
KKPW zostało partnerem merytorycznym szkolenia organizowanego przez CKL S.A. Szkolenie pt. „Umowy najmu – wybrane zagadnienia praktyczne” zostanie poprowadzone przez Mecenasa Radosława Skowrona w dniu 22 sierpnia 2013 roku w Warszawie. Szczegółowe informacje na temat szkolenia dostępne są pod adresem:
A training session on the new law on the protection of the rights of purchasers of residential units and single-family houses and on the developer’s guarantee fund (the so-called developer’s law) was held today in our Kraków office.
In addition to lawyers from KKPW, the training was attended by our clients from development companies, including PHN SA, Precapital group, TC Forum group.
You’re welcome on our next trainings!